Thursday, April 3, 2008


parisians really need to start picking up after their dogs. there's no law regulating poop-pick-up. these dogs poop EVERYWHERE. i wish i had a euro for every time i've had to avoid a petit pile.

today i met a couple of the girls for breakfast. the 'french breakfast' on the menu came with freshly-squeezed juice (i chose grapefruit, or pamplemousse, juice), coffee, a croissant with a tiny jar of jam, bread, and a fruit cup. it was beautiful.

afterwards, we went to the musee d'orsay and learned about the neo-classicism of david and the romanticism of manet and courbet. we spent 2 hours in 4 small galleries. our art history teacher is a great guide, very engaging.

after the museum, andrea and i looked for a fromagerie (cheese shop) we had seen earlier and bought two kinds of cheeses. then, after an hour of searching for a boulangerie we finally bought two baguettes and went down the steps near one of the bridges to eat cheese and bread next to the seine. it was a semi-sunny day, so sitting outside wasn't so bad, and the cheese was delicious. i swear, if the french didn't love cheese, i probably wouldn't still be studying this language.

andrea, avec du fromage.

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