Sunday, May 11, 2008

laundry is so easy in the states

Quick story.

My mom told me that when she was in college, she learned German only from female professors and so when she lived in Germany for a couple months it was at first very difficult for her to understand men when they spoke German to her. I think that's the reason why I have a hard time understanding my host father - I have only ever had female French professors!

My host father attempted to fix our washing machine a couple days ago. The next day, he and my host mother left for their summer home, to stay there (again) for another few weeks. Unfortunately, I have a good feeling that he exacerbated the laundry machine problem, since now the kitchen is half-covered in water. I thought it might evaporate, but it just keeps on a-coming. I called him today and he tried to explain to me over the phone which little knobs to turn under the sink. Can you imagine?! I barely know those words in ENGLISH let alone FRENCH. It's hard enough speaking French on the phone, when you can't see people's mouths moving. And my host father doesn't understand the concept of using simpler language when I don't understand certain words. He just repeats them over and over again and then says the stuff I DO understand in English. Oh, dear. Anyway, hopefully this water will stop coming out of the washing machine and filling up the kitchen. I'm leaving wet footprints all over the apartment. Due to the washing machine problems, I've been washing all my clothes by hand, only asking my host family to wash my clothes at their summer home twice (since it takes them a week or so to even bring my clothes back - not worth it). Woohoo! Laundry problems!

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