Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oh host family

My host-father just:
1) Came home unexpectedly after saying he was going off to the summer house with the rest of the family for 2 weeks;
2) Was shocked that there was still water all over the kitchen floor (even though I told him about it days ago and he tried to help me fix it but it didn't work);
3) Mentioned to me, in context completely unrelated to it, "the bathroom door that I never close, which is so impolite to do in France." Thanks for mentioning that to me AFTER 7 WEEKS OF STAYING HERE! Also, he has been home a grand total of maybe 8 days this whole time I've been here. What does he know?!

Oy vey. What a host-dad, what a host-dad.

Did I mention that after the 2nd time I asked them to do my laundry at their country house (because the laundry machine here broke) he requested that I not ask them to wash my jeans "so often"? ONCE for one pair and TWICE for another IN 7 WEEKS?! Oh, Europe makes America look so fresh and clean. People just wear jeans for weeks and weeks here. I don't get it. Washers are readily available, people! Oh, Europe.

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